Pub Quiz Pubs Quiz A 20-question quiz on pubs and drinks. 0 votes, 0 avg 835 Pub Quiz Pubs Quiz True or False A true or false quiz with questions relating to pubs and drinks 1 / 20 The first Wetherspoon pub opened in 1981. false true 2 / 20 A standard UK beer keg holds 15 gallons. true false 3 / 20 A bar billiards table has 9 holes false true 4 / 20 Tegestology is the practice of collecting beermats. false true 5 / 20 A Methuselah wine bottle measures 8 litres. true false 6 / 20 The Courage Brewery was founded by John Courage. true false 7 / 20 The Guinness Book of Records was the idea of Guinness Brewery MD, Hugh Beaver. false true 8 / 20 The pub featured in the sitcom 'Only Fools and Horses' is called the Nag's Head. false true 9 / 20 Black Velvet is made with stout and port. false true 10 / 20 There are 6 imperial gills in a pint. false true 11 / 20 As in the pub name, 'White Hart', the hart is male. true false 12 / 20 The predominant grape variety used in Champagne is Pinot Noir. false true 13 / 20 The Exactap, endorsed by Guiness, pours a pint of Guiness in 4 seconds. false true 14 / 20 The Bee's Knees cocktail is made with Gin. false true 15 / 20 The Royal New Zealand Navy abolished the daily rum ration in 1990. false true 16 / 20 A Yard of Ale holds approximately 2 pints true false 17 / 20 The original Gordon's Gin distillery was in Liverpool. false true 18 / 20 The pint that thinks it's a quart was a tagline for Whitbread Trophy bitter. false true 19 / 20 The original sailor's daily ration of beer was 1 gallon. false true 20 / 20 The Black Sheep brewery is located in Lancashire. false true Your score is