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quiz 1728 – fruit & veg (QA)

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1 Meiwa, Nagami and Hong Kong are all varieties of what? Kohirabi, Kale, Lemon, Kumquat
2 Minaret and Purple Sprouting are varieties of which vegetable? Broccoli, Cauliflower, Broad Bean, Cabbage
3 Mission, Celeste and Kadota are all varieties of what? Kiwi, Figs, Fennel, Dates
4 Model White is a variety of which vegetable? Cabbage, Turnip, Carrot, Potato
5 Montmorency is a variety of which type of fruit? Strawberry, Blackberry, Raspberry, Cherry
6 Moon and Stars is a variety of which vegetable? Yam, Watermelon, Carrot, Potato
7 Moonshine, Hack and Taw are all types of what? Watermelon, Ugli Fruit, Yam, Watercress
8 Morus Nigra is the Latin name for which berry? Mulberry, Blackberry, Strawberry, Cherry
9 Musa is the Latin name for which fruit? Apple, Pear, Banana, Kiwi
10 Nasturtium Officinale is the Latin name for....? Ugli Fruit, Watercress, Watermelon, Yam
11 Naval is a popular variety of what type of fruit? Pear, Peach, Plum, Orange
12 Nevada and Canberra are varieties of which type of vegetable? Cabbage, Turnip, Broccoli, Cauliflower
13 New American, Stubbs and Hicks Everlasting are types of which berry? Strawberry, Cherry, Mulberry, Blackberry
14 Norfolk Giant, Newburgh and Lloyd George are varieties of which berry? Cherry, Raspberry, Strawberry, Gooseberry
15 Of what fruit is Nectarine a smaller variation? Mango, Pear, Peach, Plum
16 Olea Europaea is the Latin name for....? Olives, Parsnips, Oranges, Pears
17 Olives come in two main varieties. Black and...? Green, Red, Blue, Purple
18 On which continent did Broccoli originate? Asia, Europe, Africa, South America
19 On which continent did Cabbages originate? Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa
20 On which continent did the Mulberry originate? North America, Africa, Asia, Europe