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quiz 1634 – fruit & veg (QA)

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1 What has varieties including Lark and Minipop? Rhubarb, Swede, Runner Bean, Sweetcorn
2 What is known as the Alligator Pear? Persimmon, Avocado, Broad Beans, Beetroot
3 What is the correct name for a famous variety of Potato? King Albert, King John, King Henry, King Edward
4 What is the correct name for a type of Apple? Yellow Pippin, Plum Pippin, Red Pippin, Orange Pippin
5 What is the Latin name for a banana? Musa, Chusa, Lusa, Pusa
6 What is the more commonly used French name for the Zucchini? Chicory, Dates, Courgette, Damsons
7 What is the name given to the fruit that is a cross between a Mandarin Orange and a Grapefruit? Kiwi, Plum, Nectarine, Ugli Fruit
8 What is the name of the fibre obtained from Coconut? Floir, Coir, Moir, Doir
9 What Italian city shares its name with a variety of Lemon? Turin, Milan, Rome, Genoa
10 What kind of acid is most prominent in Broccoli? Folic, Dolic, Molic, Polic
11 What kind of fruit is a "Laxton's Superb"? Banana, Peach, Apple, Pear
12 What kind of fruit is a Bartlett? Apple, Orange, Pear, Tomato
13 What kind of fruit is a Bleheim Orange? Apple, Plum, Banana, Pear
14 What kind of fruit is a Cabernet Sauvignon? Grape, Pineapple, Pear, Melon
15 What kind of fruit is a Comice? Melon, Grape, Pear, Apple
16 What kind of fruit is a Granny Smith? Apple, Banana, Plum, Pear
17 What kind of fruit is a James Griece? Tomato, Pear, Potato, Apple
18 What kind of fruit is a Merton Pride? Apple, Peach, Pear, Plum
19 What kind of fruit is a Morello? Strawberry, Blackberry, Raspberry, Cherry
20 What kind of fruit is a Muscat? Grapefruit, Melon, Grape, Mango