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quiz 1633 – solar system (QA)

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1 Which of the following is not one of the "Galilean Moons" of Jupiter? Leda, Io, Europa, Ganymede
2 Which of the following is not one of the "Galilean Moons" of Jupiter? Carpo, Europa, Io, Ganymede
3 Which of the following moons of Neptune is the largest? Triton, Larissa, Nereid, Proteus
4 Which of the following moons of Neptune is the largest? Larissa, Nereid, Proteus, Despina
5 Which of the following moons of Neptune is the largest? Despina, Nereid, Larissa, Naiad
6 Which of the following moons of Saturn is the largest? Iapetus, Rhea, Dione, Titan
7 Which of the following moons of Saturn is the largest? Tethys, Dione, Iapetus, Rhea
8 Which of the following moons of Saturn is the largest? Tethys, Iapetus, Encleadus, Dione
9 Which of the following moons of Saturn is the largest? Encleadus, Janus, Dione, Tethys
10 Which of the following moons of Saturn is the largest? Pandora, Encleadus, Janus, Tethys
11 Which of the four Terrestrial Planets has the fastest rotation? Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth
12 Which of the four Terrestrial Planets has the highest surface gravity? Mercury, Mars, Venus, Earth
13 Which of the four Terrestrial Planets has the strongest magnetic field? Mars, Mercury, Venus, Earth
14 Which of the planets is the second largest of the "gas giants"? Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus
15 Which of these bodies has a moon called Charon? Pluto, Ceres, Hauema, Make make
16 Which of these dwarf planets was originally considered the 9th planet of the solar systems? Hauema, Makemake, Ceres, Pluto
17 Which of these is a feature of Jupiter? The Great Blue Storm, The Great White Storm, The Great Red Storm, The Great Black Storm
18 Which of these is a feature of Neptune? Great Black Spot, Great Shade Spot, Great Light Spot, Great Dark Spot
19 Which of these is a real feature of the Solar System? Kuiper Jacket, Kuiper Scarve, Kuiper Belt, Kuiper Rug
20 Which of these is larger? Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune