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quiz 1596 – anatomy (QA)

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1 Which of these elements is most prevalent in the average Human Body? Sodium, Chlorine, Magnesium, Sulfur
2 Which of these fatal diseases is transmitted by the mosquito? Black Fever, Red Fever, Blue Fever, Yellow Fever
3 Which of these is a type of cartilage found in the shoulder? Labrum, Fabrum, Dabrum, Badrum
4 Which of these is also sometimes referred to as the gullet? Voice box, Liver, Oesophagus, Kidney
5 Which of these is central to acupuncture? TI, Ribs, BI, QI
6 Which of these is contained in the cranial cavity? Intestines, Lungs, Heart, Brain
7 Which of these is not a type of tooth? Antimolar, Incisor, Premolar, Canine
8 Which of these is not one of the four blood groups? O, AB, T, A
9 Which of these is not part of the digestive system? Stomach, Lungs, Colon, Appendix
10 Which of these is not part of the heart? Ventricle, Bowman's capsule, Atrium, Aorta
11 Which of these is the correct name for bones in the human ear? Falleus, Talleus, Malleus, Lalleus
12 Which of these is the correct name for bones in the human ear? Lincus, Dincus, Incus, Mincus
13 Which of these is the correct name for bones in the human ear? Drapes, Mapes, Capes, Stapes
14 Which of these is the correct name of a bone in the human arm? Fumerus, Lumerus, Dumerus, Humerus
15 Which of these is the correct name of a bone in the human arm? Radius, Ladius, Cadius, Madius
16 Which of these is the correct name of a bone in the human arm? Fulna, Bulna, Dulna, Ulna
17 Which of these is the correct name of a bone in the human arm? Lunate, Funate, Munate, Dunate
18 Which of these is the correct name of a bone in the human arm? Gisiform, Disiform, Pisiform, Lisiform
19 Which of these is the correct name of a bone in the human arm? Laphoid, Maphoid, Scaphoid, Daphoid
20 Which of these is the correct name of a bone in the human arm? Hamate, Gamate, Damate, Lamate