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quiz 1555 – solar system (QA)

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1 Moonlets can be found around which planet? Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune
2 Mount Everest is the highest point on which planet? Earth, Venus, Mars, Mercury
3 Nereid is a moon of which planet? Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune
4 Noachis Terra is a period of which planets history? Mercury, Earth, Mars, Venus
5 Oberon is a moon that orbits which planet? Uranus, Mars, Mercury, Earth
6 Of which planet is Adams Ring a feature? Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter
7 Olympus Mons is found on which planet? Mercury, Earth, Mars, Venus
8 On which planet does a day last longer than a year? Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter
9 On which planet would you find the highland area named Alpha Regio? Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury
10 One day on Mercury lasts the equivalent of how many days on Earth? 6, 176, 1176, 76
11 Ophelia is a moon that orbits which planet? Uranus, Earth, Mercury, Mars
12 Ovado Regio is an area on which planet? Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter
13 Pan is a moon of which planet? Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn
14 Phobos is a moon of which planet? Earth, Mercury, Venus, Mars
15 Planet X was a project estasblished in the early 1900s to locate what? Saturn, Pluto, Ceres, Jupiter
16 Pluto comprises mainly of Rock and....? Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, Ice, Oxygen
17 Pluto periodically comes closer to the Sun than which planet? Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune
18 Project Magellan mapped the surface of which planet? Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury
19 Prospero is a moon that orbits which planet? Mars, Earth, Uranus, Mercury
20 Rhea is a moon of which planet? Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus