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quiz 1331 – general knowledge (QA)

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1 In poetry, an alexandrine is a line of verse comprising how many syllables?
2 A group of which birds is known as a Phalanx?
3 The Raymond Revue Bar strip club featured in which Beatles film?
4 What is the title of late actor Spencer Tracy's last film?
5 The United Nations was created in which US city?
6 Which wife of English monarch King Henry VIII was known as 'The Rose Without a Thorn'?
7 Tallahassee is the capital of which US state?
8 Oenophobia is the hatred or extreme dislike of which drink?
9 Vientiane is the capital of which Southeast Asian country?
10 Which British television chef has 'Kitchen Nightmares'?
11 Which London Underground rail line was nicknamed the 'Twopenny Tube' for its flat fare?
12 Luna is the Roman goddess of which celestial body?
13 The Gelada Baboon is native to which African country?
14 The six masts of Isambard Kingdom Brunel's steamship The Great Eastern were said to be named after what?
15 Polydactyl in humans is the condition of having more than the normal number of what?
16 What is the name of the Anthill Mob's car in the children's television show 'Wacky Races'?
17 Sheila Mercier played which character in the UK television show 'Emmerdale (Farm)'?
18 Lake Torrens is in which country?
19 Sir Robert Peel was British Prime Minister for the first time during the reign of which monarch?
20 How many Summer Olympic Games were held during the 1990's?