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quiz 1209 – general knowledge (QA)

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1 Apart from white, what colour are the other two 'triangles' on the BMW logo?
2 In animals, an onychetomy is the removal of which part of the body?
3 Which Charles Dickens followed 'Nicholas Nickleby'?
4 A conchologist studies what?
5 The Peewee Boyz were Europe's first all-male what?
6 Who does a pediatric doctor specialise in treating?
7 How many Prime Numbers are there between 1 and 100?
8 Which ancient Greek is known as 'The Father of Medicine'?
9 In 1975, Junko Tabei became the first woman to reach the summit of which mountain?
10 Peter Gilchrist is a world champion in which sport?
11 Neossology is the study of which young creatures?
12 What were the first names of 19th Century circus/fairground owner P T Barnum?
13 If a bone is navicular, it is shaped like what?
14 In cooking, what is calamares?
15 Which two months have equinoxes?
16 Port Said stands on which canal?
17 What is the name of the title character in the 2005 animated film 'Corpse Bride'?
18 What colour light indicates the starboard side of a boat?
19 The world's longest fence is in which country?
20 What is the capital of Jordan?