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quiz 1152 – quick quiz (QA)

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1 Which sport features line-outs, scrums and conversions?
1 Which spice is known as the 'Master Spice'?
2 'Don't Stop Believin' is a hit song from the cast of which television series?
3 Which famous historic figure tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London in 1605 in 'The Gunpowder Plot'?
4 Which 2009 animated film features a floating house suspended by helium balloons?
5 The Golden Gate bridge is in which US city?
6 The Great Pyramid is in which country?
7 Who was the father of English monarch Elizabeth I?
8 Which fictional superhero goes by the name of Bruce Wayne?
9 There are how many in a gross?
10 Which fruit from Seville in Spain is usually used to make marmalade?
11 Singer Beyonce Knowles married which rapper in 2008?
12 Which American football team did David Beckham sign up to in 2007?
13 Who played Captain Jack Sparrow in the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' series of films?
14 What is the 'lead' in pencils made from?
15 How many ounces in an Imperial pound?
16 Pug, Boxer and Chow are all breeds of which animal?
17 Which body of water connects England and France?
18 What is the most common element in the Universe?
19 What is the system of raised dots called which blind people use to read with their fingers?
20 Sir Christopher Wren designed which famous London cathedral?