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quiz 1055 – phobias (QA)

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1 Ephebiphobia is the irrational fear of which members of society?
2 Iatrophobia is the irrational fear of which profession?
3 Vestiophobia is the irrational fear of which items?
4 Sophophobia is the irrational fear of doing what?
5 Thalassophobia is the irrational fear of which natural expanse?
6 Leukophobia is the irrational fear of which colour?
7 Nosocomephobia is the irrational fear of which institutions?
8 Galeophobia is the irrational fear of which marine creatures?
9 Hedonophobia is the irrational fear of 'what' that should be good for people?
10 Podophobia is the irrational fear of which part of the body?
11 Philophobia is the irrational fear of which emotion?
12 Thanatophobia is the irrational fear of which natural process?
13 Gamophobia is the irrational fear of what type of relationship?
14 Tachophobia is the irrational fear of what type of action?
15 Anthrophobia (or anthophobia) is the irrational fear of which part of nature?
16 Trichophobia is the irrational fear of which part of the body?
17 Uranophobia is the irrational fear of which place or state of bliss?
18 Gymnophobia is the irrational fear of which natural state in humans?
19 Triskaidekaphobia is the irrational fear of which number?
20 Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia is the irrational fear of long what?